Our Patients Speak

I was involved in an Auto Accident and went to the clinic. There I had X-Rays and MRI’s,the doctor said that I had a disk that was open and referred me to seek chiropractic care. went to see Dr. Petry and I have been treating with him since. The adjustments with the Activator have helped a lot and the other therapies. Before I went to see Dr. Petry, I could not work because of the pain. After receiving treatment from Dr. Petry, I have been able to return to work. I do believe I will be healthier for my future thanks to the treatment Dr. Petry has provided to me.”    -Hilario Perez, St. Paul

"In July I had a car accident.  Afterward I felt an awful pain in my back and neck and left shoulder, and I also felt dizzy.  I went to my medical doctor and he gave me cream, but my pain continued to get worse the two days after starting that cream.  Then I came to Dr. Petry for chiropractic care, where he treated every area where I had pain.  After a short time I started to feel better, I could walk and sleep better than before.  My treatment frequency has gradually been reducing.  My treatment with Dr. Petry was successful, because after his treatment I am more able to do my daily activity at home and work, without pain.  Thank you so much, Dr. Petry!”
- Dr. Abdul Rahman Hamade, Rheumatologist


“I had neck pain, upper back pain and jaw pain also from a car accident.  After my treatment it makes me more flexible.  I am more able to do my daily thing I need to do without always being in pain all the time.  When I go see Dr. Petry I feel like a whole new person again, relaxed and not in pain.”
-Davonna LaPlante,

“I was hit from behind while driving a bus, I thought I was okay.  A few days later, I began getting sharp shooting pains at the left side of my neck.  I thought it would go away in time.  It didn’t, instead I developed headaches at night, waking me constantly. I was stiffening up and losing my range of motion, turning my head.  My company doc prescribed pain pills and bed rest for 30 days, I told him “NO”, I know my body and I can’t be inactive… He said he couldn’t help me.  A co-worker told me about this chiropractor that helped his mother, and said I should go see him.  I did and will continue, because I am feeling much better with each and every treatment.  My recovery is progressing splendidly.  That’s why I feel Dr. Petry knows his stuff.  Dr. Petry you are my Godsend and You are THE GREATEST!  A BIG TIME THANKS!”
- Charlie Klenk, Bus Driver

“I was referred to Dr. Petry about 7 years ago.  I was in a car accident.  My doctor after treating for about 4 months and about 4 different pain pills told me I would have to live with the pain.  I had a whiplash, couldn’t breathe without severe pain in my left ribs.  I was referred to Dr. Petry.  I have never been to a chiropractor, in fact I didn’t believe in them.  But I saw him and in 3 days I could breathe without pain in my ribs.  After a few months later I was almost normal, my pain was being taken care of.  I am glad I seen him.  I have been with him ever since.  When I have a problem a couple of Treatments and I am back on track.”
Mary Lou Oswald, Retired,

I have had two car accidents, then I couldn’t work at all, after seeing Dr. Petry, the treatments helped me feel much better.  The adjustments are wonderful, now I feel my back is stronger and I can do more of my work activity than before my treatments.”

 - Lan Cao, Cosmetologist

“In November, I was hit from behind by a drunk driver.  I ended up in the hospital on morphine for a week.  The doctor said it would take time to heal, but my legs were just giving out.  I went to a pain clinic and they put me on pain killers, but I felt different and not myself.  A friend talked me into seeing Dr. Petry, he took x-rays and showed me the problem.  I no longer have pain in my shoulder and my back pain is not 24/7 like it used to be.  I am walking better with the help of Dr. Petry.  I joke around with Dr. Petry about his lunch breaks and stuff.  But, when I need to talk he’s there and knows how I feel.  He’s a good listener and you can tell he cares.”                   
 - Deb Bundy, Bus Driver

“I have had several problems with my neck, back, TMJ, knees, hip and shoulder pain from a car accident.  I have been seeing Dr. Petry since the auto accident and he has helped me through a lot of problems with pain and difficulty moving around because the of pain.  I also have severe migraines that he has helped with a lot to where I am not as bad as I used to be.  Sometimes I would just stop in the office to be seen without an appointment, and he would always find time to see me, and not a lot of other doctors would do that for me.  His treatments have helped tremendously in my ability to walk and work and do everyday activities a lot better than I have in a long time.  He’s a great doctor!”
 - Sheri Hardekopf, Accounting,

"I started seeing Dr. Petry about 10 months ago for severe neck pain. My pain would start by tightening in my neck and turn into a migraine headache lasting 8 – 10 housrs. I was referred to the clinic by my neighbor and decided to give it a try. Before seeing Dr. Petry, I had tried physical therapy, injections, pain pills, and muscle relaxant. It was getting to the point that nothing was helping me. After going to the clinic, I am almost pain free and it feels great! It is such a good feeling to know someone can help so much and allow me to feel so much better. I am also vary glad I don’t have to take and medications for the pain. I told Dr. Petry that it should make him feel really good to know he is helping people live a better less painful or pain free life. Thanks for your expertise."
- Susan Acland, Retired

“Back in 1989 I ruptured a disc in my low back. I had surgery, but it didn’t help. My pain was so bad 5 years ago, my mother referred me to Dr. Petry. I saw him off and on, then quit going to him. As time went by I was getting headaches and neck pain, and my lower back was getting worse. Recently, when I had tremendous pain in my lower back, I called Dr. Petry. In between visits, I went to my medical doctor, because my pain was so unbearable. They took x-ray and did and MRI, They told me I had Arthritis, gave me pills, and recommended a pain clinic. The pills didn’t help, and I refuse to go to the pain clinic. I went to my next appointment with Dr. Petry, he explained very thoroughly what was going on and how the pills and the pain clinic would not be the best for me. I have appointments for the last three months, and my neck and back pain have subsided tremendously. I went from 100% in pain to 90% pain free, I have progressed so much, I feel like a new person. With the help of Dr. Petry I feel like I can have a somewhat normal life. I am so grateful to Dr. Petry! I can’t thank him enough for what he has done for me! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!”
-Sandra Holt, Receptionist                             

“I have found Dr. Petry to be both kind and helpful, and I am very pleased with the care that received from him, and his staff. The atmosphere in the office is very comfortable and relaxing, and Dr. Petry is friendly, and easy to talk too. I was experiencing a great deal of pain due to heel spur, I had a shot of Cortisone and that help for a short time. I then went to Dr. Petry and with his method of treatment, I found that after the first treatment the lessened, and subsequent treatments I noticed that my back pain had decreased, and I was able to walk freely, without pain! and I am thankful for my new quality of life.”  
- Rev. Mattie Austin, Minister

“My lower back pain started years ago, when it went out when I was lifting a large computer out of it’s packing box. My boss had, had success seeing Dr. Petry, so I gave him a try. I have found him to be able to help me cope with my now chronic back pain thru treatment.Dr. Petry’s greatest assets are his accurate treatment methods which focus on what he learns from being a good listener and intuitive diagnosis. He has enabled me to maintain an active lifestyle of playing tennis, bike riding and back packing. It’s nice to know I have a skilled doctor in my corner to keep me in the ring.”  - Daniel Hannah, Information Tech Manager

I have been a patient of Dr. Petry since July 1997, when I was in a car accident sustained injuries that aggravated and neck injury. My visits to Dr. Petry have kept me active in both work and life. He has treated many symptoms around the neck, shoulder, back, legs and arms. These treatments have served to minimize my pain and discomfort. From the beginning of my visits with Dr. Petry, I have his expertise in how the human body moves and what could interrupt the motions. He helps me understand why I have pain and offers me good advice regarding things I can do to relieve my pain. I am vary pleased to recommend Dr. Petry to anyone who needs relief from chronic pain.” 
 - Sandra Bates, Housekeeping Supervisor  

“I had lower back pain, pain between my shoulder blades and my ribs would go out. Sometimes I got numbness in my hands and arms while sleeping or driving, mostly. Now I am much better with less pain and numbness, I have no pain or flinching, like with other chiropractors.”

- Tony Meyers, Paving Foreman

“I had neck pain, back pain and headaches. When I first visited Dr. Petry I had been going to two other chiropractic offices, two times a day for approximately 3 weeks and their techniques were not working for me. I came to this office, the first time and I was walking straight after that first visit. After a few visits, he had me whipped back into shape! This type treatment works by far the best for me. I drive 60 miles one way to see him.”
 -  Brain Doolittle, Construction Foreman

“When I first saw Dr. Petry, I was referred after an automobile accident. He asked me questions and listened. He really did a thorough exam and told me the results; then he told me what the treatment plan was proposed to be. Each treatment I come, he checks to find out where the problems are. After you tell him he touches the problem spots and tells you what he has found you have to say what treatments are to be. To sum it up: you are treated as an intelligent human being and you are kept up-to-date what he proposes to be done and what has already been accomplished. I have referred other to him.”
 -Helen C. Bates, Retired

“I was in constant pain with my neck and shoulders before coming to Dr. Petry. I had tried physical therapy, which didn’t help at all. Since coming to Dr. Petry, my pain is relieved. His treatment has changed the quality of my life as far as my neck and shoulder pain. He has also helped with other problems that I have encountered; Knee pain, foot problems and even hand and finger pain.

- Pat Hynes, Administrative Assistant

    “It seems to be the nature of my profession to have back and neck problems. For years, I have taking muscle relaxants and Motrin to get some relief from pain. I have always been skeptical of chiropractic and my experiences with manual manipulation always left me with spasms and pain in the areas adjacent to my problem spots. My neck and back were getting so painful that I decided to give chiropractic one more try. I went to Dr. Petry on advice of my family and have gone from major skeptic to a real believer! The Activator works so well and leaves no rebound pain or spasms. In the hands of a vary skilled and wonderful doctor like Dr. Petry, the activator method of chiropractic is definitely the way to get major relief or cures from pain.”
-   Gloria Flanders, Radiologic Technologist

“I have had three car accidents and have end up with 4 discs herniated in my neck permanently, and also problems with my lower back. Dr. Petry’s treatments have tremendously helped me to be able to keep on working and doing most of my activities. I still have my problems, but the adjustment that I do receive with the Activator makes my day do-able and it helps me out wonderfully.”
 - Caryn Karkhoff, Retail Sales