√         What Doctors do that can actually make your condition worse!

√         How to find out if you have a “Soft Tissue Injury” or not!

√         What your insurance company may not be telling you!

√         Why taking pills, injections or therapy may never fix your hidden injury!

√         What will happen if you don’t get the appropriate treatment NOW!

          And Much More!


WARNING:  “Soft Tissue Injuries” are sneaky, and potentially debilitating injuries that will strike millions of Americans this year… and as a result, many of them will suffer for the rest of their lives due to misinformation and inappropriate care! That’s the bad news.

The GOOD NEWS is that you don’t have to continue suffering!  Keep reading this report to find out the well hidden truth you won’t find anywhere else! 

“Soft Tissues Injuries Are Often

Misunderstood, and difficult to detect.  Many victims who go to doctors due to pain, are told that they will need rest and time. Rest and time alone, can and usually does create scar tissue and permanent damage.”

Dear Friend,

        You know one of the most stressful aspects of modern day life is dealing with the problems that arise from an auto accident.  Were you also aware that most auto accident  injuries are seldom detected for months or even years?

“Am I Really All Right?”

Not only are auto accidents an inconvenience and hassle, you may have noticed that ever since the accident you have not been feeling like your normal self. You may be experiencing obvious pains and symptoms like muscle stiffness or spasms, neck pain, headaches, numbness and tingling, back pain, difficulty sleeping or fatigue.  Or worse, you may be injured and feel nothing at all! Either way, did you know that auto accidents can frequently cause a condition called “post-traumatic osteoarthritis.”  Osteoarthritis can cause the discs in your spine to degenerate and create scar tissue formation leading to chronic stiffness and pain.  This form of arthritis over time can ruin your posture, giving you a slumped appearance.

Now It Gets Interesting…

 Typically, after an accident you might either go to the emergency room or see a general practitioner who will send you home with pain and sleep medication, anti-inflammatories, and muscle relaxers.  Despite the effects of the drugs, you still feel injured and simply, not the same person. The next step is usually physical therapy.  The therapist is under the direct order and supervision of the doctor who prescribes it.  Most Doctors are not trained in the detection and treatment of these injuries! Since therapy is based on the doctor’s diagnosis this often leads to misguided and ineffective treatment.

        Four to eight weeks later, you are done with your therapy.  You are still in pain and the injury feels worse! You don’t want to go back to therapy, and you’re sick and tired of taking all those medications.  At this point, the doctor is at a loss as to why you’re still hurting, you will likely be told... “There is nothing we can do…You’ll just have to live with it.”

How Are These Hidden Injuries Detected?

First, when you have been in an auto accident, you need a doctor who is trained and specializes in the biomechanics of the human body.  That means he or she can perform routine physical examinations with orthopedic and neurological tests, as well as
special tests that assess these hidden functional soft tissue damages.  In addition, special x-rays can be taken to find out if there has been any structural damage.

        Without proper training a doctor can overlook many damaging injuries resulting from a condition called hyperflexion/extension injury.  This occurs when the head and neck are thrown or “snapped” back and forth very quickly at a speed as low as 5 mph.  Hyperflexion/extension is the most common injury in auto accidents.

Over 20 Million People in America Have Suffered Auto Injuries!

Your neck is jam-packed with nerves, glands, tubes, blood vessels, lymph nodes and 48 different joints.  Add to that your brainstem, spinal column, discs, muscles, tendons ligaments, fluids, mininges and more!

In addition to discs and other soft tissue damage, hyperextension injuries cause spinal column misalignment and irritation, stretching or impinging on the nerves, and damage to the spinal curves.

Proper evaluation by an injury specialist can mean the difference between…

True recovery, Healing and Strength vs. Chronic Pain and Stiffness

I have helped literally hundreds of people injured in car accidents recover function and live
a normal life (check out our patient testimonials).

Our office uses the latest technology in diagnosis and treatment. We work closely with other
specialists experienced with these injuries. My staff and I will help you with the sometimes confusing paperwork to make sure your rights are protected and your injuries properly documented.

Let’s face it, nobody likes the disruptions and hassles involved with auto accidents, let alone the discomfort and pain. As a specialist in treating car accident victims, I know that the last thing you want is to take time out of your busier than ever schedule to get checked out!

Of course, you can wait and hope you are okay.

That’s always your option. But, it’s also the biggest risk you can take because any injuries you may have will start to heal incorrectly, leading to long days of headaches, neck pain, stiffness, and eventually degenerative arthritis.

Everyday thousands of Americans are involved in auto accidents and aren’t lucky enough to have this information. As a result they don’t always receive appropriate care and continue to suffer unnecessarily.

These are all things that can be avoided.

Recently, the National Highway Traffic Safety

Administration reported “A 10 mph rear end collision is equal to the occupant catching a 200 lb bag of cement dropped from a second story window!

Don’t let a treatable condition become a lifelong problem!
With this information, it is time to take action!

Questions and Answers

Q. What if my car sustained only minor damage?

A: Documented studies done by specialist Charles Carrol, M.D., Paul McAfee, M.D. and Lee  Riley, M.D. revealed:     

“The amount of damage to the automobile bears little relation to the force applied to the cervical spine (neck) of the occupants.”

          In other words the severity of the injury to the

passengers is not necessarily directly related to the damage to the vehicle. Many insurance adjustors would like to convince you differently.  Be Careful!


Q: I definitely feel injured after the accident, but I have a history of related types of aches and pains. Can I still get care?

A:Yes. This is why you need to see a specialist who is familiar with this circumstance. There is always a reason why you may feel differently after an accident. My job is to identify specifically whether yours is a new injury or a flare-up of an old injury.


Q: I was at fault in the accident. Am I still covered?

A: Yes. No matter who is at fault in the accident, you are

Still entitled to benefits under your car insurance policy.


Q; I was just a passenger. Am I covered?

A: Yes. Passengers are entitled to no-fault benefits.


Q: If I need treatment for this injury, do I have to pay for it myself?

A: No. Both drivers and passengers are covered for any necessary care under Minnesota No-Fault Insurance.


Q: Do I need an attorney?

A: Your first priority should be to get evaluated and begin, if necessary, any needed treatment. After that, you should have enough information to decide whether or not you need an attorney